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  • IHS has appointed Rhys Phillip as Chief Commercial Officer. Mr Phillip joins IHS from Ernst & Young where he was Partner and Global Head of Transaction Advisory Services for the Telecommunications Sector.
  • New licenses, acquisitions and upgrades in brief
  • Daniel Lee developed the leading tower advisory practice at Citi where he advised on the sale of over 10,000 towers (with a corresponding deal value of US$1.75bn) from mobile operators primarily in the emerging markets. Daniel brings incredible insight and tremendous relationships across the sector.
  • How RESCO entrepreneurs are empowering Mobile Enabled Communities
  • Atlantique Telecom, which has operations in Benin, the Central African Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, Niger and Togo, and part of The Etisalat Group, announced that it has entered a five year multi-country managed services agreement with Ericsson to manage its entire mobile networks. This agreement enables Etisalat to focus even more on their core business - delivering innovative offerings to their customers.
  • “In Africa generally every site, even if connected to grid, needs to have pair of backup generators. This can be hugely expensive, complex and frankly wasteful,” said Kamar Abass, Country Manager for Nigeria and Head of Regional Accounts, RSSA for Ericsson. “However, the power consumed by our equipment is on a downward trajectory.”
  • A new regular feature with Mott MacDonald
  • Structuring deals to meet the specific requirements of each Orange affiliate
  • The rationale for IHS’s acquisitions in Cameroon and Cote d’Ivoire and their plan to scale to 25,000 co-location towers in the next five years
  • CTO Thomas Jonell reveals what opex saving equipment and services Eaton are buying, and how they buy it