How WiFi connectivity and off-load solutions will complement traditional African connectivity
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How WiFi connectivity and off-load solutions will complement traditional African connectivity


An interview with Wifrica Holdings

Wifrica Holdings offers WiFi connectivity and WiFi Offload solutions to MNOs, ISPs and tower companies on a revenue share basis. Their unique approach enables companies to expand their customer base and increase ARPU whilst drastically reducing capex and time to market. TowerXchange speaks to Wifrica’s Chief Commercial Officer, David Meganck, to find out more.

TowerXchange: How do you see the both the appetite and requirement for data in the African continent changing? What are the factors driving and hampering the growth in data usage?

David Meganck, Chief Commercial Officer, Wifrica Holdings:

The demand for data in Africa is, as in other continents, growing exponentially once it becomes available and is proven to help people get out of poverty.


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