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  • Italian firm Ascot brings innovation, experience and passion to revolutionise energy solutions
  • Indian firm combines technical expertise with in-field experience to support telecom clients
  • Summary of tower industry news across Asia
  • A view from the inside of India’s 10,000 cell site telecom ESCO market
  • New informal peer-network inaugurated to share best practices, guidelines and templates
  • The towerco asset class has been experiencing exponential growth, signifying the potential held by and confidence in the towerco business model globally. TowerXchange took a deep dive into the economics, growth opportunities and priorities of sub-Saharan African towercos, inviting Helios Towers, Eaton Towers and Atlas Tower to a discussion at the 2017 TowerXchange Meetup Africa & Middle East.
  • American Tower, Telenor, China Telecom and Hutchison among client list of Shanghai-based firm
  • Footprint spans thousands of sites in Africa, Central America and Asia
  • MNOs in New Zealand agree ground breaking RAN-sharing deal to bring mobile and broadband coverage to the rural population
  • Legacy technologies like distributed antenna systems (DAS) can be used in both indoor and outdoor environments and are multi-operator compatible. DAS have been deployed by MNOs, towercos and third party neutral hosts for many years, and still have an important role to play in cellular networks. However, there are various limitations often cited by the market, namely that they are cumbersome, complex to install, and typically have a high price point. DAS costs often run into the millions (GBP / USD) meaning that a consortia of multiple operators are often sought to make the deployment economically viable (a process that is politically complex, time consuming, and threatened by operator spectrum sensitivities).
  • How JMA Wireless is revolutionising mobile wireless performance for MNOs around the world
  • What 5G will mean for network planning is still high on the agenda for discussion around the world. There are many questions around the implications for infrastructure, spectrum, and business models, and often, quite simply what 5G actually is. We have outlined some of the most pertinent use cases and main case studies and trials that are currently running around the world as mobile network operators, and infrastructure companies, try to get ahead of the curve and implement network densification strategies. We also touch on the potential for active infrastructure sharing as we move into the higher frequency bands required for 5G. Could this be the game changer that allows the neutral host business model to succeed? Who will be that neutral host? And how can both the passive and the active infrastructure providers evolve to facilitate the next generation of network evolution?